Matt Dart

I was constantly busy, drinking too much, and about to lose everything I worked so hard for, then I pulled the trigger and fixed my marriage in less than 8 weeks.

Garth Woodford

I was lazy and used drugs and alcohol almost daily. My wife told me that she was done. but I pulled the trigger and got a custom plan to turn things around.

Jye Dance

I was successful in business but failing in my health and relationships. The Empowered Man saved my life.

Claud Kastner

I was constantly busy and stressed. Then I told myself, “That’s enough”. In less than 8 weeks, I turned my life around.

Matt Huff

I was constantly stressed, trying to provide, but I couldn’t cope. But I completely turned my life around and got my wife back after 12 months.

Steve McLellan

I was grinding to provide for my family but my wife felt I put more time into other people. So I pulled the trigger, fixed my marriage and turned my life around in just 8 weeks.

Angus Parker

My wife said I don’t love you anymore and left with the kids, then I went into downfall. The Empowered Man got me off the fence and helped me regain control of my life.

Ross Wilson

She said I’ve had enough. I realised how bad it was and knew I needed to change. The Empowered Man’s custom game plan helped me become a better man for my family.
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